Rules & Policies
How to submit my work?
All submissions are accepted via FilmFreeway. Please follow the directions via FilmFreeway to create your account and submit your work. Submissions must be downloadable and shareable so that your work can be viewed by judges and during the event. All content is short-format – 30 minutes or less
What are the deadlines for DigiFest Temecula 2025?
Submissions Open October 1, 2024
Early Deadline is January 31, 2025 – midnight
Late Deadline is March 9, 2025 – midnight
What are the submission fees for DigiFest Temecula?
Before Early Deadline, October 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025
- Standard Professional Submission: $20 USD
- Student Submission: $10 USD – school name must be included
- Student 18 & Under: $5 USD – School name must be included (use code “18UNDER” at checkout)
Before Late Deadline, February 1, 2025 – March 9, 2025
- Standard Submission: $25 USD
- Student Submission: $15 USD – school name must be included
- Student 18 & Under: $10 USD – school name must be included (use code “18UNDER” at checkout)
What are the submission requirements?
- This is a short-form festival nothing over 30 minutes in length will be accepted
- Completed entry on FilmFreeway
- Digital Screener -Vimeo link (preferred) or Secure Online Screener
- Submission must be uploaded and submitted no later than the deadline date to qualify for the respective entry fees
- Paid submission fee
- The entry cannot have been previously submitted to DigiFest
- ONLY original work is accepted
- No more than five entries per category per submitter
- Films, Music, Podcasts, Photography, Art, Website Design, Game Design, Acting, and Screenplays, all have their own submission requirements (See below)
What category do I use to submit my work?
- If submitting video/films that are narratives, documentaries, animation/stop motion, PSA./marketing/informational, or music videos
- Choose “Film/Video” category
- If submitting a podcast or music
- Choose “Music/Songwriting” category
- If submitting photography, digital art & illustration, or website design
- Choose “Photography/Design” category
- If submitting game design
- Choose “VR/XR/Immersive” category
- If submitting a Video Clip for Acting
- Choose “Film/Video” Category
- If submitting a screenplay PDF
- Choose “Scriptwriting” Category
Is my film eligible for DigiFest® Temecula?
- Must be no more than 30 minutes long, credits included
- If selected, films should be available for projection in DCP, but not required
- All non-English language films must have English subtitles
- Submitters must select whether their entry is narrative, documentary, animation/stop motion, music video, PSA/Marketing, etc. If you want your entry to be judged in more than one category, you must reupload the entry into each category you want it judged in. (In other words, you cannot upload it one time and just select multiple categories.)
Do you accept films that are already available online?
Yes! DigiFest® Temecula does NOT require a premier status.
Do I need to submit a DCP?
You do not need to have DCP for consideration.
Do you accept work-in-progress?
DigiFest® Temecula accepts only Final Cuts for all projects.
Requirements For The Music And Podcast Submissions
- Choose the Music/Songwriting Category for your submission
- Each entry must be no more than 30 minutes long
- Submissions must be audio files
Requirements for Photography/Digital Art & Illustration Submissions
- Submissions must be entered under the Photography/Design category
- Digital files must be attached to the submission
- In submission details, photography submissions need to include equipment used (ie iPhone, DSLR, lens, etc) as well as other pertinent technical information that will help judge the work.
- Art submissions need to state the software programs used in the creation of the digital artwork and whether the artwork is manipulated hand-drawn/painted work, or was solely created via a digital process.
Requirements for Website Design Submissions
- Submissions must be entered under the Photography/Design category
- Attach screenshots of the homepage as your project
- Enter the URL of the website in the project information box
Requirements for Game Design Submissions
- Submissions must entered under the VR/XR/Immersive category
- Fill out credit and detailed information as much as possible. The more information you can provide the better.
How To Submit For The Acting Category
- Submissions must be entered under the Film/Video category
- Can be clips but submission in total needs to be under 3 minutes
- Clips can come from various scenes within a single film/video or present a continuous 3-minute scene from one film/video project.
- Clearly state the actor’s name and the role portrayed in the submission details to facilitate identification.
- Only one actor can be submitted per entry. If you want to submit another actor who appears in the same scenes you need to make another submission.
- Your adherence to these guidelines ensures your video meets the submission criteria.
How To Submit In The Scriptwriting Category
- Entries must be 30 pages or less.
- Scripts must follow industry-standard formatting.
- Only PDF files are accepted.
- Treatments are not accepted.
- Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure your script meets the submission criteria.
For All Entries
Do I need to submit a press kit or any other materials?
You do not need to provide any publicity materials with your official submission. The Marketing Department for DigiFest Temecula will reach out to you directly if materials are needed.
When will I know if I’ve been selected?
DigiFest® Temecula will reach out via messages on FilmFreeway by April 7, 2025, to let the creator know if their work has been selected.
Will my work be presented at the festival?
Not all entered work is guaranteed to be exhibited or screened. You must receive an email that you have been selected. Work that is selected for the festival will be exhibited during the weekend of the event, or chosen to be a part of the special screening held on Saturday night during the festival. You will get an exclusive invitation to Saturday night’s screening via email if your work will be exhibited at that special screening. Not all accepted work will be shown at the special screening
If you have any questions, contact DigiFest® Temecula via email at